Nestled in Kenya’s Iten, where running reigns supreme, resides Julian Alonso, a man deeply intertwined with the world of running. Born in Argentina, Julian’s journey from physiotherapist to esteemed physical trainer for marathon athletes is as fascinating as the sport itself. 

Julian’s adventure began with a deep curiosity about Kenya’s running success. After visiting in 2018, he couldn’t resist the urge to uncover more. “Kenya’s running success always intrigued me,” Julian reflects. “After my first visit in 2018, I knew I had to dive deeper.” By 2021, he made a bold move, uprooting his life to Kenya with his family, diving headfirst into the heart of elite running.

His expertise isn’t just book knowledge; it’s rooted in his own running experiences. Julian’s love for running, instilled by his dad, led him to study physiotherapy. He even created a hub for runners back home, named Iten, after the famed Kenyan town, long before he ever set foot there.



At Volare Sports, Julian’s path converged with destiny. His role as a trainer and physio for marathoners became his canvas for creativity. Success stories like Nelly’s win in the Bilbao half marathon, after a challenging injury, highlight Julian’s commitment to his craft. With tailored training and steadfast support, Julian turns dreams into reality. “Helping athletes reach their dreams is what drives me,” Julian shares. “Their victories are my victories.”

For Julian, marathons are more than just physical accomplishments; they’re a blend of mind, body, and spirit. Balancing training and rest, he guides athletes through the marathon’s ups and downs. He emphasizes not just physical training but also mental strength, nutrition, and downtime. The training cycle is divided into four phases: general preparation, specific preparation, competition, and transition. General preparation focuses on building endurance and strength, specific preparation hones speed and power, while competition aims to peak energy levels. The transition period allows for recovery before starting anew.

Furthermore, rest and good nutrition aren’t luxury; it’s a must to keep athletes fresh and injury-free. “Nutrition is one of the most important factors in the preparation and performance of runners,” says Julian. Furthermore, Julian empowers athletes to listen to their bodies. “Prevention is always better than cure,” Julian affirms.

While technology is helpful, Julian believes in mastering the basics first. “I like to use the Pareto principle, which says that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts. So, currently, we’re focusing on that crucial 20% by adjusting basic factors. Once we reach that milestone, I think it’ll be time to utilize technology to enhance results even further.”

At the heart of Julian’s approach lies the individual athlete. Custom plans, achievable goals, and strong support push athletes forward. But Julian knows teamwork makes the dream work; collaboration amplifies success. Also, his thirst for knowledge drives him to stay ahead of the curve, integrating new ideas into his practice seamlessly. “Learning never stops,” Julian smiles. “There’s always something new to discover.”

In the world of marathons, Julian Alonso isn’t just a coach; he’s a dream maker. With every step, he unlocks the potential within, shaping champions to become the best version of themselves.